Monday, May 22, 2006


Well, as most of you know Travis and I returned yesterday from a wonderful week-end in Seattle, WA. Travis had a training session there and I was able to go with him. We had a great week.

I want to start this post by telling each of you thank you for praying for us - we did make our connecting flight in Dallas on the way out there. Thank you for praying for me to get some rest - on Saturday I got thinking - as much as we have done, I should really feel tired, but I don't - then God revealed himself to me - people are praying for you on the other side of the country that you will receive rest. God answered your prayers - He gave me much needed rest and He gave me much needed time with my husband.

Now on to the great things we got to do while there. Travis has the pictures from the first of the week-end on his computer, so I am going to start at the end for today and there is so much to tell, this will be a week long post.

On Saturday evening, after the training session was over, a group of us went to a baseball game to see the Seattle Mariners play at Safeco Field.

We had some great food at the ballpark, they had great garlic fries - Travis reminded me that A hotdog at the ballpark is better than a steak at the Ritz.

David works with Travis and his wife Lori was able to go this past week-end too. This was her first Major League Baseball game and while I was taking this picture the Mariners hit a home run. She missed her first home run at her first MLB game because I was taking their picture.

So, we had a great time at the baseball game game. I was so fun to see Travis having such a good time. I'll share more of our trip tomorrow, I have to get back to work here at home. Again, thanks for your prayers.

I have a great picture of Travis and I too, but Blogger won't upload it. I'll try again later.

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