I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day week-end. We did several things, so let me get on to sharing them with you.
Friday afternoon began on a sad note, the man who took our wedding photos and that had been a friend of Travis' family for years, he and his wife were killed in their home early in the morning on Friday, you can read about it
here and
here. Travis' Dad is a chaplain with the
Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office - he spent all of the day with the family on Friday. Please keep this family and all those involved in your prayers. Please pray for Tommy as he minsters to this family during the coming days and weeks.

Friday night we all (Big Daddy included) went to Family Fun Night at Samuel's school. I only have this one picture, my batteries went out on my camera at the beginning of the night. Samuel and his sister's had a great time. Looking at this picture you wouldn't think Faith was having a great time. We think she was feeling sick, but didn't know how to tell us!

On Saturday morning, all five of us went to the
Greenville Zoo with the church that I work for. At first we thought it was going to rain us out, but the morning turned out to be great. It wasn't too hot and the rain had stopped. In the last picture you see an mommy determined to reach a piece of bamboo that was outside the fence. I always leave the zoo more amazed at how God made each animal able to take care of their young.
On Saturday evening, we had planned on cooking out with Travis' sister and her family and Big Daddy and Grammy for Mother's Day, knowing that Sunday would be busy. We had bought the girls a blow up swimming pool to have in the back yard, but it came up a storm and was raining. Because of all that, we have come up with another "You might be a Redneck if..."

...you let your kids go swimming in their blow-up swimming pool on your carport!!

Yep, that's what we did. We filled the pool up with water (which by the way, we didn't think about getting the water out of the pool on the carport), set up our sling chairs, pulled out Samuel's game table and had us a Redneck Mother's Day cook-out. The kids had a great and it was nice to spend some time with our family.

I was awaken Sunday morning (at 6am) with a Mother's Day greeting of "Mom, I feel sick".
Samuel woke up yesterday morning throwing up and that is how he spent most of his morning. Travis and I both had to be at church, so he spent his morning at Grammy and Big Daddy's house. He did not feel well at all. So, after church we just came home and all went to bed. We all took a nice long nap and Samuel seemed to feel some better after his nap. We did not have service at church last night, but somehow we ended back to church (I guess we just can't stay away even when we don't have service) What really happened was, we went out to eat with Grammy and Big Daddy and then went back to the church playground and let the kids play.
We were disappointed we didn't get to see Memama and Granddaddy and Aunt Kendra yesterday, but it didn't work out and we will see them next week-end hopefully.
So there you go - that was our Mother's Day week-end. It was filled with ups and downs, but I am thankful for the Mom's God has put in my life and I am honored to be the Mommy of Samuel, Hannah Grace and Faith. It is nice to have a special day set aside to honor our Mom's and to be honored, but really I feeling loved each and everyday (well most each and every day - ha! ha!) by the children God has given me and I hope that I show my Mom's how much they are loved and respected everyday - not just Mother's Day.
I'm glad Samuel got better and you guys got to rest. We took a long nap, too. One of my friends who has 3 older children had agreed to swing by and drive us to church Sunday since Eric needed the van. She got there and said her 3 kids were all sick with strep throat! She drove us to church 30 mins. away and then drove all the way back to be with her kids. I told her how thankful we were, and I know she spent her Mother's Day in a similar way as you. Sometimes it just happens!
So did you just get everyone to pull the pool out to the grass?
haha - that's funny. thanks for sharing :)
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