Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs are my favorite candy! But, everyone in my family loves them too; so yesterday I went to the grocery store before work and I bought a pack. I took them into work and "hid" them in my desk. Shhh...this is our secret, don't tell my kids!
Anyway, during the day when I was enjoying one of the eggs as my morning snack, I remembered that hiding Peanut Butter Eggs is not something new. I remember Mama hiding them in the van around Easter time when we were growing up. Remember Kendra, we would find Peanut Butter Eggs in the glove-compartment of the van.
I thought is was funny that what my Mom used to do, I am now doing without even thinking about it.
Now, Mama, don't deny it...
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed are those who take refuge in Him. Psalm 34:8
Friday, February 29, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Good Morning!
Well, we are all where we are suppose to be this morning. Everyone seems to be feeling better for now and we are praising God for that. We had a good restful week-end. I have a few picture to share and hope that do that tomorrow, but for now I want to share this cool picture of Memama and Granddaddy with the Daytona 500 trophy. We are praying for another win today if the race in California ever gets to start and finish...

Thanks for your prayers!!!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Not Really A Funny Week
Our house has not really been a funny house this past week, it pretty much has been a sick house. Last Saturday, I came down with flu and Hannah Grace was sick on Sunday and Monday. I returned to the land of the living long enough to get a call from Hannah Grace's school that she was not feeling well and I needed to come get her. The sickness continued when Travis came home from work early coughing, snezzing and a sore throat. He is back at work this morning, but I have the girl's with me because Aunt Amanda was in the doctor's office yesterday. So I don't have anything funny to share - although if I step back, my life is pretty funny right now. I pray next week is better.
We hope you are your families are well and that you have a great week-end!
**By the way, Samuel and Faith have been spared the sickness for now - Praise the Lord!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Granddaddy's Motor
We want to tell Granddaddy and Memama congratulations for winning the Daytona 500. It was a pretty exciting evening at our house on the last few laps. Hannah Grace and I are sick with the flu, but the excitment of the last lap, brought me off the couch, for a few moments.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Friday Family Funnies - Big Hand
We hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. The five us celebrated together last night eating Mexican - a favorite of the whole family.
We hope you have a great week-end!
Friday, February 08, 2008
Friday Family Blessings
Travis and I both said that this morning instead of our Friday Family Funny we need to give praise and glory to our Lord for the blessings he has given us over the past couple of days.
Tuesday night at Upward we were given order forms for pictures that will be taken tomorrow. This week is what we call a "non-pay week" which means that I only got paid this week and I wasn't sure how we were going to afford pictures for three kids on Saturday. Travis called Wednesday morning and said, "The Lord is good, He has provided our yearly bonus this morning and I wanted to let you know so you wouldn't worry about the pictures on Saturday." So that was our first blessing.
I will tell you a funny story about putting the couch together. Once the couch was delievered, Travis had to go back to work for a meeting and I was left with the old couch in the garage and the new set on it's side, without feet, in the living room. So, I decided, I could put the feet on - my Dad and Step-Dad are both very "handy men" and I was by their sides growing up. I was using the electric screwdriver to put the screws in each of the feet. After I put the first screw in, with a big smile on his face Samuel said - "Mommy you are your Daddy's daughter - you can use tools!"
So, we are very thankful for our new couch and loveseat and tables!
Our second and third blessings came this morning.
One of the tires on the van has seemed to be slowly leaking during the week, but we couldn't fine anything in the tire, so we just kept putting air in it and checking it. On the way out the door this morning, Samuel informed me that he needed make-up sponges for drama class today and we were rushing out the door and yep - a flat tire on the van. We jumped in the car - which had NO gas - and headed to the store to get make-up sponges and a gas card. As we were heading back to the car, a van stopped to let us cross the parking lot. In that van was our neighbors (we pick each other's kids up sometimes). I asked her if she could take Samuel to school and told her that the Lord has sent her our way.
As I was heading back to the house, Travis was pulling out of the neighborhood to see if the tire store up the road was open yet. I followed him to the tire store to find that they didn't open until 9am - it was 7:30am. We were getting ready to put fix-a-flat in the tire and what did the Lord send? He sent a man who works at the store who was coming in early! Praise the Lord!
By this time we had found a screw in the tire. He was able to patch the tire right then and only charged us $10.
So today we are thanking God for the blessings He has sent our way in the forms of meeting financial needs, neighbors and a man at a tire store!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
The Greatest Show On Earth
I know, three post in one day...I'm at home today and just sitting here listening and watching the girls sing and dance in their princess outfits. I had to take Faith to the doctor yesterday and she has strep throat and I had to take Hannah Grace for her five-year-old well check-up this morning. Faith is feeling much better and Hannah Grace's check-up was fine. I'm just using this time to play catch-up; I don't know when I will have the time to post again.
We had a great time. It was nice to do something that all three kids enjoyed. So much of the time now days, it is either something the girls want to do or something that Samuel wants to do; so it was nice that all three of them enjoyed it, not to mention, Mom and Dad too!
Upward Basketball and Cheerleading - So Far...
Here are my photo's of the Upward Basketball and Cheerleading year so far, enjoy!
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The Lord Has Done Great Things!
I am doing Beth Moore's new Bible Study, Stepping Up, and last week we studied Psalm 126; verse 3 says, "The Lord had done great things for us; we were joyful" (HCSB). The Message says, "God was wonderful to us; we are one happy people."
We were asked to share something wonderful and great things that God has done for us. I want to take this chance to share something great and wonderful that God did for us this past week-end.
You know that we have been attending New Prospect Baptist Chruch and have been able to jump right into the ministries there and are kids are enjoying Awana and Sunday School and we are able to play Upward there.
This past Friday evening, we had the music minister, his wife and their three kids over for supper. From the very beginning we all "hit it off". Their oldest son is 10 years old (the same as Samuel) and they have twin boys that are four. Samuel and their oldest son have become great friends and our girls love playing with their twins.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Friday Family Funnies - Cute Upward Kids
Not much funny going on in our house this week. Hannah Grace has not felt well again this week. She goes for a "well" check-up on Tuesday, so please pray that we can figure out what is going on with her. Travis is preparing to start traveling in about month with work. Samuel is busy with school work, he had two projects due this week. Faith is as spunky as ever. I have been fighting a cold for about two weeks and my work load at the church has doubled. So as you can tell, we are a busy family.
We have been having fun at Upward on Saturday's and I just wanted to share with you a couple of pictures of my cute kids for today's "funny".
I know the quality of this picture is not good, but I love it!
I can not promise that I will get more pictures posted next week, but I will try my best. Have a great week-end!
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