...last Friday night, was "Family Fun Night" and we stayed home and sang with Samuel's karaoke machine he got for Christmas. That was funny!
...Seth puked up a entire jar of Blueberry buckle baby food all over the living room floor. The kids thought that was funny, I didn't so much.
...The kids were acting silly before bed Thursday night, showing us their "muscles".
...and many more, pretty much everyday in our house is funny!
I told you I sat some goals for 2007 and I would share with you when the Lord allows me to fulfil one of those goals. Well, I also want to share with you how I have already failed in one of those goals, 12 days into the new year (I really have failed at more than just one!)
One of my goals was to send Birthday cards, on time. I have failed that this week. Our wonderful friend, Lana, had a birthday yesterday and nope - no card in the mail. Our other good friends, Scott and Sharon, their son, Caleb turned 14 on Wednesday and did I get a card in the mail? Nope. So there you go, be encouraged if you have already failed with a goal you set for 2007 - you're not the only one. So by God's grace, I will strive harder this coming week and send a belated birthday card.
Have a great week-end!
I think Dee and Kyle have the next birthday's in the family. I'm going to get their cards this weekend. I love second chances don't you?
Hey guys - I'm so proud of you for your eating goals - you know I'm cheering you on. Eric is just drinking water for 2007 - did we tell you that already? I got pretty big eyes when he told me that one!!! :) love ya Oh, and I'm trying to better, too, this year with birthday cards. I know how much it means when I get a birthday card the day before or the day of my birthday!
But where's this weeks (1-19-07) Friday Family Funny? I enjoy them:)
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