Friday, October 06, 2006

Friday Family Funnies - Apples From A Tree

I can't remember if I told this story about Faith and the apple farm, but if I did - it is still funny.

After our visit to the apple farm, Faith was talking to Grammy about what she did. She told her about the pumpkins and the hayride and then proudly said, "I picked an apple - from a tree!!!" I had not thought about that she didn't think of an apple coming from a tree - I guess she thought they just came from the store.

Have a great week-end!!!

*A note of thanks to Travis for writing last weeks Friday Family Funny - I had a very busy day at work and couldn't get to it.

1 comment:

BackesHouse said...

Alyssa -

I love your blog, it's so fun!! I can't find your home phone number. Please email me so we can get together.
