Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Happy First Day of Summer!

Thankfully for the first day of summer our A/C is fixed and the house finally cooled down. I think the A/C turned off sometime in the night last night. We all had fun at Grammy and Big Daddy's, but we were happy to be in our own beds. While we were waiting for it to be fixed the thermostat reached 88 degrees. We are still waiting on the insurance company before we can do anything with the back yard.

In other news...
Samuel had a great 9th Birthday on Saturday. We celebrated with a cake on Saturday and then with a party on Sunday. The party was suppose to be at our house, but before the pool explosion we had decided to move it to the church playground because we knew the pool wouldn't be ready to swim. We are thankful that we changed it. It ended up being great! The church playground was a great place to have a party.

In addition to Samuel's birthday, we celebrated Father's Day. I have been blessed with three great Father's in my life. My Daddy, my step-dad, Eddie and my father-in-law, Tommy. I thank God for all of them!

My Daddy, Popeye, with Samuel and Hannah Grace

Eddie, my sister, Kendra, and me

My father-in-law, Big Daddy and Hannah Grace

There is one more great Daddy in my life - that is my husband, Travis. I love to watch him with our kids. From the very beginning, he has jumped right in and helped me. My mom has always loved him, but when Samuel was born she watched Travis change his first diaper, he gained more respect from her that day.

My life would not be complete without him, my life would not be as fun without him, my kids lives would not be as God honoring if not for him. I thank God for giving me Travis as a husband and as a Daddy to our kids.

Enjoy these pictures of Travis, as Daddy.

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