Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Staying Busy

Well, spring is here and we are as busy as ever. I know I am behind in updating the blog and it's not been just one thing, it's been lots of things. One big thing is that I haven't felt well over the past month. For the first time in my life I am suffering from seasonal allergies and it has really got me down. I think that I am finally getting control of it and have felt better the past week. Travis has started his travels and the kids and I have been trying to pass the time while he's away. Samuel is doing well in school and begins 7th Grade football "conditioning" next week. He is excited, but a little scared of the unknown. Faith is still just a happy as ever and just goes with flow. She is still loving ballet and has been preparing for her recital. Hannah Grace is playing Upward t-ball and last night was her first game of the season. The first two games were rained out. She is loving playing t-ball and is doing very well.

Singing the National Anthem

Aren't they a cute bunch?

Excited and ready to play.

Playing outfield

Homerun Hit!

I am going to try to best to catch you up, but I can't make any promises...

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